When doing previsualization for a project, you first need either a script, storyboard, or even an animatic to go off of. For this project, I decided to do a scene from a storyboard for the movie Captain America: The First Avenger.


If you want to see the full storyboard click here.

I chose to do the first scene available, which was scene 51 where a Hydra agent named Kruger escapes after stealing super soldier serum. There are a total of eleven shots that make up this specific scene.

Setting the Stage:

Before I could block out the scene, I needed to create an environment for the scene to take place in. Thankfully, I had a few art assets from past projects that I've made that I could use to build the scene out. This included five modern New York buildings as well as three 50's European car models.


At this moment, the scene is not to detailed, but once I get to the next faze of this project I will be adding more buildings and cars to better capture the environment the scene takes place in.


After setting up the background, I had to find a rigged character model that I could animate for the scene. While I do know how to model and rig, I decided to find an already rigged character model to save some time. The rigged character that I ended up using I found on turbosquid here.

Since I used the same rig for all of the characters, I changed the models colors and gave some of them hats to make them distinguishable.

Red: Kruger

Yellow: Kruger's men

Blue/Silver: two sets of undercover agents


Once the stage was set, it was time to create the shots. I created a simple camera rig that I could use to film the shots. Then, for each shot, I tried to recreate the camera positioning and angle as best as possible based on the storyboards.


Camera for shot 7 (Ground Level Shot)