When working on a project that involves previsualization or even just animation, camera positioning and movement in a shot is extremely important. While there are cameras in Autodecks Maya, a 3D software for animating and modeling, they are not set up to work like real life camera rigs would. So I decided to create my own realistic camera rigs inside of Maya.

I wanted to make these rigs because they are practical tools that I can use in my current and future previsualization projects. When doing previs for a live action movie it is important to understand what equipment is going to be utilized and cameras are probably the most important for a previs artist to know. They are how viewers will consume the story being presented.

Each week I will be creating a weekly update letting you know what I have completed during the past seven days on the rigs including new rigs and rig updates.

Below you can also check out all of the different rigs that I have made and download them to use if you'd like! They are made in the student version of Maya 2019.

Weekly Updates

[Week 1 - Handheld and Dolly Rigs](https://confused-ridge-2ec.notion.site/Week-1-Handheld-and-Dolly-Rigs-dc8a87a86a4b4354bade275e7a96c0dd)

Week 2 - Crane/Jib and Tripod Rigs

Week 3 - Rig Updates and Overhead Rig

Week 4 - Snorricam Rig and Videos

Final Reflections

Camera Documentation

Handheld Camera Rig

One of the most common types of camera rigs. Handheld rigs are typically used to increase intensity or intimacy in a shot. Since the camera is handheld shots from these rigs are naturally shaky.

Dolly Camera Rig

A camera rig that movies on a wheeled apparatus and prioritizes movement and precision. Great for smoothly pushing or pulling out in a shot or tracking lateral movements like walking.

Crane/Jib Camera Rig

Uses an extended arm to move smoothly in all directions. These rigs can be used to create shots that highlight motion.